Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Names Live On....

From Dave Brigham:

I don't have a lot to say about these buildings in Boston's Financial District:

Located at 77 Franklin Street, the former headquarters of the Columbian National Life Insurance Company looks like something one might find on Wall Street. The company was acquired by The Hartford in 1959.

Right across the street, the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company was founded in 1867, and officially disappeared in 2016 several years after being acquired by the entity now known as BNY Mellon.

For more random named building posts, see:

June 12, 2014, "What's In a Named Building (Part 4)?"

May 8, 2014, "What's In a Named Building (Part 3)?"

March 13, 2014, "What's In a Named Building (Part 2)?"

December 26, 2013, "What's In a Named Building (Part 1)?"

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