Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Rare Show in Boston's Theater District

From Dave Brigham:

This sort of scene is increasingly rare in downtown Boston. These sorts of older, low-rise buildings are increasingly being torn down and replaced by glass towers. Located in the theater district, the Tyson Ticket Agency was incorporated in 1996, according to the Better Business Bureau web site. The company doesn't have a web site, but I'm guessing it sells tickets for shows at nearby theaters. If it's still in business.

The building between the ticket agency and the Subway shop is occupied by The 4th Wall, a restaurant and bar that opened recently, replacing the Intermission Tavern, which was open for about 10 years.

At the upper left you can see a ghost sign -- UNION SAVINGS BANK MORTGAGES NOW AVAILABLE -- on the former Union Savings Bank building, which dates to 1926 and is, I believe, part of nearby Emerson College.

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