Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Shave and a Haircut, No Bits

From Dave Brigham:

Legion Barber Shop #1

This poor old barber shop in the Upper Falls neighborhood of Newton, Mass., has been vacant for years, possibly as many as 15, according to this article.

I am sad and confused when I come across a building, be it a house, a restaurant or a barber shop, that's abandoned and yet filled with stuff. This place looks like Floyd the barber could step inside and start cutting hair after running a dust cloth over the place for a few minutes.

I wonder who owns it, and why they haven't sold it so somebody could install a jewelry shop or organic sandwich place. Stay tuned....

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cool Stones

From Dave Brigham:

My son loves the Boston subway system. He and I regularly go on trips, mostly on the Green line, which features above-ground trolleys that eventually go underground. I like going on the trips, but once in a while I decide that I need to get something more out of our journeys than just a good slice of pizza and a chance to people watch.

On a recent jaunt, I told him that we could go watch trolleys near Boston College, but that in return he needed to join me on a photo shoot. After consulting Google Maps, I learned about Evergreen Cemetery, which is just a few minutes from where we looked at trains.

I found some unique grave markers.


(War veteran gravestone. Yes, that's a cannon.)


(I don't know what kind of stone this is, but it's impressive.)

Monday, July 8, 2013

What a Dump: A Different View

From Dave Brigham:

In February 2011, I posted pictures of the former O'Hara Waltham Dial Company (see February 27, 2011, "UPDATE: What a Dump"), located in Waltham, right over the line from Newton, where I live. In the nearly two and a half years since, I've passed by this dilapidated building many times. But only recently did it occur to me that I could access the backside of this backside monument.

I parked about a half mile away, walked through a skateboard park and up a wooded hill that, as I approached the rear of the factory, became more covered with junk left behind by partiers, homeless people and perhaps even local businesspeople. There was an old boat trailer, garbage bags, beer cans, tires, bottles, food wrappers, desk drawers -- a disturbing amount of crap.

Then, I scrambled down a small hill and set my eyes on the back of the complex that was built in 1897.

O'Hara Waltham Dial Co. Not jumping over Jagged Hola

For a history of the dial company, and subsequent businesses that founder Daniel O'Hara owned in the same building, read this. I love that O'Hara got involved in the beer stein business, as of late I've considered collecting antique steins.

Thanks to my fellow chronicler of off-the-beaten-path destinations, Shuko at the Creepy-chusetts, Strange-chusetts blog (now known as The Reversed View of Massachusetts) for leading me to the background info on O'Hara.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ped Xing

From Dave Brigham:

I've passed this narrow, old bridge in Belmont, Mass., countless times in the 20+ years I've lived in and around Boston. It's one of those places that doesn't look like much, but surely has some stories to tell.

Clark Street Pedestrian & Bicycle Bridge

I wish I could relate some of those stories to you, but I don't know what they are. But I can tell you a little bit about this bridge.

I trolled the Internet, as I often do seeking information for these posts, and learned that the Clark Street bridge at one time was wide enough to accommodate auto traffic traveling from Route 60 (Pleasant St.), across the train tracks and into the quiet neighborhood just south of Belmont Center. Or perhaps from that neighborhood out to Pleasant Street, as it seems it was a one-way street.

Eventually, both ends of the street were blocked, leaving room for folks to walk or bike across. At some point, the crossing was modified to just a foot bridge.

So, yeah, that's all I know.

Fanelli Cafe: In Business for 178 Years!

From Dave Brigham: Located at 94 Prince Street in New York City's SoHo neighborhood, Fanelli Cafe has been in business since 1847 (...