Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sushi Fortune Pants

From Dave Brigham:

More often than not, I am opposed to old buildings being torn down. These buildings along Route 9 in Newton's Thompsonville village (although I'm sure some folks would try to convince you this is Chestnut Hill) fall into the "not" category. At least one of these was built in 1930, according to the city's assessor's database. I didn't make mention of these places when I wrote a bout T'ville as part of my "I Seek Newton" series (see March 7, 2017, "I Seek Newton, Part VII: Thompsonville").

Now that they are on life support, however, I am interested. I am not, nevertheless, sad that they will be torn down. Let's talk about the two restaurants and one retailer that have been displaced.

Sushi Man, which serves, you know, sushi, and other stuff, closed sometime last year. The eatery was able to relocate to a building about 200 feet away, on the corner of Jackson Street and Langley Road. When I checked these buildings out recently, however, the restaurant was temporarily closed. I believe renovations of some sort were under way.

Fortune Panda doesn't seem to have found a new location. I don't know how long it was in business, but it was quite a few years.

As for Fancy Pants, a second-hand boutique specializing in children's clothing, it moved to Natick, along Route 9 just over the Wellesley line.

I haven't been able to find out what will replace these buildings, but I'm guessing it will be a residential property, possibly with a retail/restaurant component.

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