Saturday, July 23, 2011

This Old, Decrepit House Update #2

From Dave Brigham:

Having torn down the place that I dubbed the Scooby-Doo House last summer, the new owners of the property in Watertown, MA, are making good progress on its faithful replacement (see August 3, 2010, "This Old, Decrepit House Update").

The house was torn down after the owners determined that they couldn't save what had once been a grand home (see July 25, 2010, "This Old, Decrepit House"). The owners promised to build something in the same style, and they are following through, which is good to see.

Here's what it looked like before the wrecking ball swung:

Scooby-Doo House, Watertown MA #5

And here's the new place:

New House, Watertown, MA


  1. I really loved that old house, but I like what they've done so far. I'm not a fan of the siding on the chimneys, but really they kept the style of the original house!

  2. I agree. I understand the utility of putting siding on the chimneys, but it's like a guy wearing matching pants, shirt and earmuffs. Doesn't look good.

  3. Not a fan of the siding on the chimney look! The house does look good, even though I like the original better. Siding in general can't compete with the old architecture. No pizzazz!


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