Sunday, July 25, 2010

This Old, Decrepit House

Scooby-Doo House, Watertown MA #5

From Dave Brigham:

This creepy old manse is right around the corner from one of my family's favorite restaurants, Not Your Average Joe's, in Watertown, Mass. At the time that I first noticed it, my kids were totally into "Scooby-Doo," so I dubbed it The Scooby-Doo House. Backside contributor Joe Viger thinks it looks more like 1313 Mockingbird Lane, aka The Munster's house. Whatever you call this place, it's sad how much the longtime owners let it run down before it was purchased nearly a year ago by three brothers who hope to renovate it to its previous glory.

Scooby-Doo House, Watertown MA #4

The Watertown Tab has written a few stories about the house, which has been abandoned for many years. According to neighbors, the house was very beautiful 20 years ago. It's not hard to see how with a LOT of time, money and elbow grease, this could be an amazing residence again. But, given that some exterior walls have rotted away and the place is filled with junk, excrement and decay, the new owners may have to tear it down. I, like the owners and neighbors, hope it can be restored. I'll keep an eye on this project, no matter which way it goes.

For a look inside the house, watch this video:


  1. Just drove by the other day...they've demolished the house.
    If I heard correctly, they are putting up condos...of course...

  2. Yeah, I posted a brief update on the demolition of the house a few weeks back. I'm sure condos are soon to follow, as you say. Thanks for keeping us up to date.

  3. I remember this house growing up in Watertown when I was a kid. My grandfather always told my sister and I it was haunted and that made us never walk near the house. Never got that it kinda looked like The Munsters house when growing up even since I watched the show as a kid.


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