Saturday, February 22, 2025

Shoot Your Shot at Amsterdam Billiards

From Dave Brigham:

I did not enter Amsterdam Billiards but I slept next to it on my recent trip to New York City (see my two previous posts about this short vist: February 15, 2025, "Webster Hall Was Right Across from My Hotel," and February 8, 2025, "The Carl Fischer"). Apolgies if that sounded a tad unseemly.

Located at 110 East 11th Street in Greenwich Village, the billiards joint (also a cafe and bar) was founded in 1989 by comedian David Brenner and brothers Greg and Ethan Hunt, per the joint's web site. I have fond memories of seeing Brenner on late-night talk shows and elsewhere on TV when I was a kid.

While the billiards place is 35 years old, evidently "this venue has a rich history that dates back to the charming Greenwich Village in 1940," according to this Billiard Bay article. I'm not sure if it was a pool hall back in those days, or what it was. I made the photo above because I dig the sign.

This building stands today, but a handful of buildngs of the same generation weren't so lucky, as they were torn down to make way for, ugh, the hotel where we stayed.

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