Saturday, March 2, 2024

Woburn's Lanna Thai Diner is Adorable

From Dave Brigham:

When doing research ahead of my trek through downtown Woburn, Mass. (see February 24, 2024, "Woo! Woo! It's Woburn Time!"), I followed what has become a regular practice: I poked around to see if there was a diner or old theater in town. Yes to the former, no to the latter. So after checking out the area around Woburn Common, I headed due north under I-95 to Lanna Thai Diner.

From MACRIS: "The only diner in Woburn, Main Street Diner is important architecturally in Massachusetts as one of the first diners the Worcester Lunch Car Company produced with a stainless steel exterior. Custom-built in 1952 for this site, Main Street Diner (formerly known as Stella's Diner and originally known as Jack's Diner) is quite small given its period of construction and the fact that it was built to seat thirty to thirty-two people. The diner is also distinctive for combining a largely stainless steel exterior with largely wood finishes on the interior."

This place has been Lanna since 2011, according to Wikipedia. The MACRIS report dates to 1999.

Isn't Lanna just adorable? I hope it lasts a long time.

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