Thursday, February 10, 2011

Up From the Basement?

From Dave Brigham:

Some day the ugly pit formerly known as Filene's in Boston's Downtown Crossing neighborhood will be filled with something other than gravel, hyperbole and lost dreams.

Construction pit, Boston's Downtown Crossing

Filene's Basement Pit #1

Filene's Basement Pit #2

Anybody else thinking of Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel?


  1. I actually went down into the hole the other night. It was really big and felt really awesome to be down there looking up at all the buildings and the lights. I thinks it would be possible to get inside the remaining half of the bldg and explore around. I may have to go back.

  2. Did you just hope the fence? That's cool that you went down in there. Would love to hear/see more if you got any pix, or if you go back and inside.


Walking in Witch City

From Dave Brigham: In most towns, if you walk around looking for signs of Halloween nearly seven weeks ahead of time, you may find a half-...