Sunday, April 25, 2010

Vanishing New England Vernacular #1

From Joe Viger:

Rambling farmhouses and barns are everywhere on the back roads of New England. Unfortunately, many of these great old buildings are falling down or are being suffocated in vinyl siding. But there are still a few gems out there. This is the first of a series on these classic buildings.

Leaving Sandwich Village, NH, on Route 109 you eventually climb Wentworth Hill and pass a stately, Greek revival farmhouse on the right. This was the home of Denley Emerson, locally referred to as the "Mayor of Sandwich." Denley died in March 2008 but many credit him with preserving the town's heritage and character. In fact, Denley ran a real estate business and was known to be partial to folks who wouldn't develop the land they were buying.

The next house after Denley's former residence was also owned by Mr. Emerson at one time. When it was built it must have been the farm of one of the town's preeminent families, given the number of buildings and level of architectural detail. Today it is vacant and eroding. I was driving by one evening and saw the light shining through these buildings just right. I'm glad the Mayor of Sandwich didn't see my illegal U-turn to catch these shots.

Sandwich Abandoned

Nobody's Home

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