Friday, April 9, 2010

Cryogenic Cars

Cars in a blanket, originally uploaded by D. Brigham.

From Dave Brigham:

Not everything we do here pertains to the dilapidated, the downtrodden, the disappeared or the defunct. As it says in our motto, the backside is "sometimes beautiful." Of course, in the eyes of certain beholders (especially hereabouts), there is nothing more beautiful than a collapsing barn or an old car rusting in the woods. But there are plenty of places tucked away from plain sight that hide wealth and privilege.

I took these pictures at the tony (but struggling) Atrium Mall in Newton, Mass., specifically the Chestnut Hill section, which is one of the wealthier zip codes of the Greater Boston area. I've been going to the mall semi-regularly for years, since they have a playroom and I'm a stay-at-home dad. A few years ago my son, Owen, was really into cars, so he'd ask me to go to the lowest level of the Atrium parking garage and then back up again. We were both pleasantly surprised to discover that on the lower two levels, where very few patrons park, there exists a world of vintage autos under blankets.

I'm not sure how often these whips (don't you love the idea of really rich guys in golf pants calling their cars "whips?" I sure do.) see the light of day. I'm sure most of these cars are in perfect running condition. Some of them, though, seem to be in cryogenic suspension, just waiting for someone to come along with the right part, or some new super-sweet motor oil to get them running again.

Undercover cars, originally uploaded by D. Brigham.

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