Thursday, November 1, 2018

Cashing Out

From Dave Brigham:

I've walked through the neighborhood close by the Lechmere MBTA station countless times over the years on train trips with my son, Owen. I've taken pictures of all sorts of things, from social clubs to cool old row houses, restored factory buildings to an apartment with model planes prominently displayed in the window. I considered shooting pics of the Citizens Bank building at the corner of Cambridge and Third streets, but didn't do so until it was almost too late.

Built in 1917 as Lechmere National Bank, this building at 225-227 Cambridge Street in East Cambridge was acquired three years ago by a company called Mark Lechmere LLC, which also acquired a small apartment building and former bakery next door. The developers originally applied to demolish both buildings, but were sent back to the drawing board by the Cambridge Historical Commission.

The developers came back with the concept of incorporating two of the bank building's walls into a CVS pharmacy to be built, with the rest of the site to be used for a parking lot. This plan appears to have been approved, which is why the photo above shows a crack in the wall in advance of it being shored up and incorporated into the design, I guess.

Goodbye, old bank.

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