Friday, April 5, 2013

Nuclear Dump Playground: UPDATE

From Dave Brigham:

For decades, there was a site in Watertown, Mass., that seemed like it would never get cleaned up. While much of the former Watertown Arsenal complex was converted to offices, restaurants and even theater space, the place where workers dumped radioactive material generated at the arsenal took quite a bit more effort to clean up.

When I wrote about this site in May 2010 (see May 19, 2010, "Nuclear Dump Playground?"), there was a plan afoot to restore the spot back to wetlands and to install a walking trail through it.

I was dubious about that plan, but I'm glad to say I was wrong. The buildings have been knocked down, and the project is moving forward.

Read this article for more information on the site and its future.

Here are some before and after pictures.

Watertown Arsenal nuclear reactor uranium dump site


Arsenal dump clean-up #1


Watertown Arsenal nuclear reactor uranium dump site


Arsenal dump clean-up #2



  1. Cleared up, already? I'm kinda impressed. I hope the soil doesn't contain radioactive substances!

  2. The process is ongoing, Shuko. They knocked down the buildings and I suspect it will take a while to clean up the contaminated soil and water. After that, I'm not sure what they do, but the goal is to build a path through the site, I think, and to do some plantings. Will be interesting to keep an eye on it.

  3. For Government Reports, go to the Watertown Free Public Library which is a repository for the such reports.


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